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Learn How LiFA Can Help Organizations to Have an Effective L&D System

For Employees

Care about your employees learning progress

Onboarding (For new employees)

When you hire someone new, it’s very important to make him/her satisfied with your onboarding process.

Based on Theo Hug's research if you can’t onboard a new person to learn how your organization works and how he/she should do his/her tasks, probably (30%) they will leave you without any excuses.

Periodical Training

During work, it’s very normal that employees are not able to upgrade their knowledge and for your company, it means that, outdated employees can ruin your company and team. So, it’s better to establish a periodical learning plan for them. Your plan must meet the following consideration:

  • The content should be in small pieces (Microlearning). Because your employees don’t have enough time or concentration to learn from the traditional methods.
  • It should be more fun and engaging to motivate them to learn more in an effective and fun way.
  • It should have an automated system for reminding users to learn more.
  • It should be based on social learning to provide a platform where your employees can communicate with each other to learn and share more.
  • It’s better to be available on any platform especially on mobile phones to enable users to learn from anywhere and anytime.
  • Finally, it would be awesome if your employees can easily make an appointment for private online meetings with each other without the need for any third-party apps.

Compliance Training

As an organization, you have your consideration about: Physical security, Cyber Security, Safety of your employees, Legal issues, and many more. With LiFA you can address all related learning materials of these issues and deliver them easily to all of your workforce even your front liners and field employees.

Dedicated social media

Create a specific social media for your organization (E.G. University, Petroleum refinery Company, etc.) to increase engagement of users for connecting and learning from each other.

Most of your employees have great knowledge that is valuable and shareable with others, but they need some motivation and an easy-to-use platform. LiFA exactly can do this for you. As a microlearning social media platform, your users/employees can easily turn their knowledge into a LiFA post and share it with others. By doing this and some other useful activities in LiFA, users can earn points and enter into our gamification system. In our gamification system, we provide a great set of materials like badges, achievements (Virtual and Physical - it’s up to you -), leaderboards, levels, and many more for motivating users to engage, create and learn more.

Creating the connection between different departments/faculties/and other organizational units can be easy by using LiFA. Just define your sections in your dedicated platform, and set access for all admins. Admins can moderate their sections and their users’ access.



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For Customers

Are you care about them?

Customer training & relationships

When you sell a product or service to a customer, you need a way to help him/her learn how to use it afterward and how to maintain it. It’s a routine that attaches a paper catalog to your product or maybe addresses your clients to use your online guides, but with LiFA you can do much more!

Just run your community in LiFA (or even in your dedicated and white label version of LiFA) add customers to it.

  • They can see your learning material
  • They receive scheduled reminders about maintaining their product/service.
  • Ask questions and even answer your polls or questions.
  • Engage them with your brand and increase their loyalty by running some simple games that have leaderboards and even prizes.
  • Let them share their experiences and how to use your product/service for doing something new.

Finally, by analyzing your users’ behaviors you can make them happier with your tailored customer satisfaction plans and turn them into loyal customers who spend more money on your products/services.

For Students

Want to create something new and useful for them?

Dedicated social media

As a school or university, you can have dedicated social media for your students to interact with each other and even with their teachers. All of these by advantaging a fun and engaging microlearning platform that can be easily moderated by you!

  • They can share their experiences about their courses and even start a conversation about finding a teammate for a project.
  • Also, teachers can create courses and rich content with easy-to-use authoring tools.

Creating learning games with a leader board is another useful option of LiFA


For Patients

Do you care about them?

Create a patient education social media platform

Patient education is widely recognized as a core component of nursing. Patient education can lead to quality outcomes including adherence, quality of life, patients' knowledge of their illness, and self-management.

By using LiFA you can implement the whole of patent's education process including assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation (APIE), and even patients' can communicate with each other and even their doctors to give each other feedback and share their experiences. It would help them to learn from each other while they received learning materials from their doctors.

For Franchisors and Chain Stores

Care about your barnches and their managers' learning progress?

Connect & Grow

It’s not important how big you are or how distributed around a city, a country, or the world! By using LiFA Pro you can create a great learning community for your users/branches to interact with each other and learn!

Many of your employees or even the branches’ managers and owners forget what you have taught them before. So, it’s so important to have a tool for learning in a quick, effective, and fun way.

Your users can grow and create better ROI by sharing their experiences about challenges that they have faced in the past or by asking questions from others.