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Learn More About Active learning, Microlearning, Virtual Reality

Gamification, Social Learning, and Many More.

می 22, 2022

How to Create a Microlearning Framework – 4 Key Elements

One of the most important elements of designing a framework for microlearning environments is problem-solving. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the dimensions […]
می 11, 2022

Best Microlearning Software to Try in 2022

Choosing the right software is one of the main concerns of educational managers and other educational centers, the use of efficient software can reduce internal costs […]
می 4, 2022

The Age of Microlearning Applications

Our lives today are tied to the use of digital devices. This phenomenon is really visible in the world. We have to admit that the Internet […]
آوریل 17, 2022

How to Design an Effective Microlearning Strategy?

As the volume of information increases, people prefer to receive it shortly. microlearning strategy is what scientists say we should have done from the beginning. A […]
آوریل 16, 2022

How to Have a Higher Impact in Workspace Training by Combining Microlearning and Macrolearning

Nowadays, due to the increasing acceleration of science and technology, especially in microlearning and macrolearning courses, the efficiency of individuals depends to a large extent on […]
آوریل 3, 2022

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Microlearning

In the last two decades, technology has advanced significantly, and at the same time, learning and teaching have undergone tremendous changes and have some advantages of […]
فوریه 27, 2022

Special Social Network of Electronic Industry

Introduction In this article, we discuss special social networks in the electronic industry. Electronics is a knowledge that includes physics, engineering, technology, and applications that deal […]