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Learn More About Active learning, Microlearning, Virtual Reality

Gamification, Social Learning, and Many More.

می 11, 2022

Free Microlearning Platforms to Try in 2022

The process of learning has changed over the time; in the past, education was done by going to the class, without attending, a student could not […]
می 11, 2022

Best Microlearning Software to Try in 2022

Choosing the right software is one of the main concerns of educational managers and other educational centers, the use of efficient software can reduce internal costs […]
می 4, 2022

The Age of Microlearning Applications

Our lives today are tied to the use of digital devices. This phenomenon is really visible in the world. We have to admit that the Internet […]
می 1, 2022

Role of Social Media in Microlearning

Social media is a set of websites and applications that allow users to create and share anything to participate in social networks. It’s not just limited […]
آوریل 17, 2022

How to Design an Effective Microlearning Strategy?

As the volume of information increases, people prefer to receive it shortly. microlearning strategy is what scientists say we should have done from the beginning. A […]
آوریل 4, 2022

A Glance to Various Platforms of Microlearning

today, with the expansion of higher education in universities and institutions, as well as the smartening of schools and the increase of websites offering electronic and […]
مارس 2, 2022

Special Social Network of Food Industry

The food industry is one of the most fundamental factors in the growth of human civilization. The production of food packaging and distribution is one of […]
فوریه 27, 2022

Special Social Network of Construction Equipment Industry

The construction equipment industry is very lucrative and significantly affects a country’s economic growth. The construction equipment industry in many countries has an undeniable role in […]